Peru's top court on Thursday rejected a government bid to block the impeachment of President Martin Vizcarra.

The Constitutional Court ruled by five votes to two that the vote can go ahead in congress on Friday, its president Marianella Ledesma announced.

Police stand guard outside Peru's Congress ahead of President Martin Vizcarra's impeachment procedure
Police stand guard outside Peru's Congress ahead of President Martin Vizcarra's impeachment procedure AFP / Cris BOURONCLE

Congress voted last week to open impeachment proceedings against Vizcarra for "moral incapacity" over accusations he incited aides to lie to anti-graft investigators.

Viscarra's government had sought the court injunction on the grounds that congress was not competent to rule on the president's moral capacity.

The government of President Martin Vizcarra  had sought a court injunction on the grounds that Congress was not competent to rule on the president's moral capacity
The government of President Martin Vizcarra had sought a court injunction on the grounds that Congress was not competent to rule on the president's moral capacity AFP / Ernesto BENAVIDES

However Ledesma said the seven-member court "has decided to admit the competency claim to proceedings" but pointed out that ruling would take several weeks.

Ledesma said that meanwhile, "in light of the declarations of political leaders, the risk of vacancy (of the office of president) has been weakened and there is no manifest urgency."
