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They say that a person's most valuable asset is their smile. This simple facial expression greatly impacts body language and first impressions.

Researchers at the University of Kansas found out a long time ago that smiling helps with the body's natural response to stress and lowers heart rate in tense situations. Another study performed by a team of doctors and scientists at the University of Cardiff in Wales discovered that people who are unable to frown due to Botox injections are on average happier than people who can frown.

While Dr. Katie To agrees that happiness is enhanced with a smile, she doesn't believe that medical filler or Botox is the way to go. Instead, she explains that the best thing for a great smile is proper dental and oral hygiene. "People often underestimate how important their oral health is. Lack of dental care can have an incredibly heavy toll on your physical and mental well-being," says Dr. Katie To.

Dr. Katie
Dr. Katie Dr. Katie

As she further explains, bad dental care can cause various cosmetic problems, such as tooth decay, yellow teeth, bad breath, and loss of teeth, all of which can impact a person's confidence and make them insecure about themselves. Apart from that, she points out that a lack of proper dental hygiene can lead to more severe physical problems, as there is a proven link that gum disease can lead to life-threatening heart problems and dementia.

"Besides keeping you happy and healthy, preventative care, especially dental care, will save you a lot of time, money, and stress. The longer you hold off visiting a dentist, the more problems will arise, and the solution will be more expensive," Dr. Katie To explains.

With that in mind, Dr. Katie To recently launched a podcast, "The Wellness Dentist," where she explores holistic wellness through trending ideas, real stories, and patient experiences. According to her, the main point of the podcast is to encourage people to take charge of their health by inspiring them to make healthier lifestyle choices and use the benefits of dental wellness.

"The Wellness Dentist" podcast is the newest extension of Dr. Katie To's thriving dental practice known as 'Dr. Katie To Center for Integrative Wellness and Cosmetic Dentistry.' The practice is the only digital smile design certified clinic in Katy, TX, and one of the few in the world, as there are only around 50 clinics in the whole world with the same certification.

Dr. Katie To's clinic uses a revolutionary approach to dental well-being by combining biological and cosmetic dentistry. What makes her clinic different from traditional dental offices is the use of all-natural and body-friendly materials. As Dr. Katie To explains, she decided to take this new approach after she was diagnosed with mercury and lead poisoning several years ago.

"The conclusion was that the toxicity came from professional biohazard exposure, which means contact with mercury from dental school, removing it unsafely from the patient's mouth, and breathing it in because we had no protective equipment," says Dr. Katie To.

At that time, Dr. Katie To and her husband were trying to have a baby, but their every attempt was futile. After the diagnosis, she knew why, and on top of that, doctors advised her that she should not become pregnant because mercury toxicity was too dangerous for a child and could cause medical complications. She had the choice of quitting dentistry or transitioning to a mercury-safe/mercury-free office, and she chose the latter. Today, through the latest technological advancements and high safety standards, Dr. Katie To's practice offers a safe haven for everyone who wants to have a prettier smile and healthier life.

"I realized that the old-school approach to dentistry is harmful to both dentists and patients, and I knew that I needed to change that," says Dr. Katie To. "I learned how to practice biological and holistic dentistry and created a place where people can save their bodies from harmful toxins that can jeopardize their health."

When it comes to a new smile, Dr. Katie To's practice uses revolutionary technology, Digital Smile Design, which shows people what they will look like after the procedure. As Dr. Katie To points out, in traditional dental practices, patients are given no choice but to trust the dentist blindly. However, with the help of Digital Smile Design, people who want a better-looking smile have the chance to see what the outcome will be before committing to the treatment with smart design technology that utilizes videos and photography.

"Everyone who comes in has a wellness evaluation, and they have an opportunity to decide how they want to look after the procedure. After all, it's their body, and it should be their choice," says Dr. Katie To. "This all a part of a holistic approach that not only caters to physical but also to mental well-being, and that's how we help our patients to put on their best smile and, with that, enjoy their best life."