At least 10 people have been killed as the protesters fought with the police and tried to attack a NATO outpost. The protest took place in the city of Taloqan, the capital of Takhar province.

More than 1,000 people protested a northern Afghan city on Wednesday, shouting slogans against the U.S. and NATO forces which killed four people in an overnight raid.

NATO says that the four killed were insurgents and the two others were detained.

At least 45 demonstrators were injured in the clashes which followed the protests in the city of Taloqan. Security officials said some of the demonstrators were armed.

Provincial governor Abdul Jabar Taqwa said the two women and two men were killed when the NATO troops had burst into a home on late Tuesday night. He also said that nobody in his “government was informed about the raid.

But the NATO spokesperson asserted that the governor was informed ahead of the raid. He also said the security forces were careful to ensure the safety of all civilians throughout the operation.