The Amazon S3 Storage Service went down Friday morning causing companies to lose access their own data stored on the server.

Administrators of websites which rely on Amazon's servers experienced limitations in accessing their own files. Amazon said in its web support discussion board that computers that power its storage service were unreachable at one of three data centers for about two hours.

The shutdowns began around 7:30 a.m. EST and were fixed by around 9 a.m. Customers on the board reported their problems.

My business is effectively closed right now because Amazon did something wrong. I'll have to reconsider using the service now, wrote one person on the board shortly after 9 a.m. EST.

According to the most recent quarterly earning's report from Amazon, the number of customers registered to its web services were over 330,000, about 30,000 more compared to the previous quarter. Thousands of companies store their data with Amazon instead of setting up own servers.

Some specialists on web storage services say Amazon's server can easily meet the needs of Web 2.0 companies which don't require high technical competence.

Regarding the operation limitations, a spokeswoman from Amazon stated that work would continue to improve the service.

Any amount of downtime is unacceptable and we won't be satisfied until it's perfect, said in a statement posted to the board.