Who is Marriah Greene and why was her Facebook page deleted by the social site? With a total friend list of over 260, Marriah profile could very well be listed in the most popular category. However, there is only one catch to this and that is, Marriah Greene is yet to be born.

The unborn child's parents, Matt and Ellie Greene of Whitehouse, Texas seemed to have created the profile to update their friends about Ellie' pregnancy status in a playful way.

We weren't sure how to tell all our friends the baby was coming. We'd held off on telling people -- we wanted to make sure everything was fine with the pregnancy. We thought the quickest way to tell everyone would be to use Facebook, ABC News quoted Matt Greene stating in a telephone interview.

Comments on Mariah's wall include Can't wait to see you and hold you and Welcome to the world! I can't wait to meet you. Furthermore, the parents also feeding regular updates about the baby's status in first person form apart from the personal details like attending Tummy University, enjoying soccer and swimming.

Although Facebook has deleted the account, the company does not give any details about its reasons for doing so. As per the site's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, no user can provide fake details about personal information or create fake accounts.