Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow is the hottest thing in the NFL, if not America. He's so hot, he just got a Tim Tebow SNL skit.

The quarterback is in the news most everywhere one turns, and it's not just because he's won most every start including many games in dramatic fashion. Tebow has become known for his visible display of Christian faith, and the prayerful pose he strikes to illustrate such has been coined as Tebowing.

But SNL had a good laugh, with Jesus appearing in a skit on Saturday night to provide some perspective. Tebow is played by Taran Killam, while Andy Samberg players kicker Matt Prater, and Jason Sudekis plays Jesus, telling the players to get the job done on the field so He doesn't have to come and bail them out each game.

See a video of the Tim Tebow SNL skit below: