Reddit has ranked its most popular pics of 2011, and all of them have been collected here as the year draws to a close.

These top scoring links span everything from the UC Davis pepper spray incident and the Tahrir Square protests in Egypt to a feuding Scrabble couple and the Eye of Sauron re-created in a glass door's reflection.

Posts spanned Obama's reaction to the death of Osama bin Laden, the growth of a McDonald's Christmas tree, and the attack on Scott Olsen during Occupy Oakland, and the discovery of old photos complied on imgur.

Reddit, as a social news web site, has helped break some of the biggest stories of 2011, and helped us to laugh or be infuriated by all the little things, from puppies to failed lottery tickets, that came along with it.

As 2011 draws to a close, ring in the New Year by clicking through the top 25 most popular reddit picks of 2011, as determined by votes from the reddit community.