Anyone who's ever so much as been in a bathroom that Whitney once used seems to be cashing in now that the tabloids are hungry for gossip after her untimely death, but a statement by close Bobby Brown confidante Derrick Handspike has everyone wondering: Could Whitney and Bobby Brown have rekindled their relationship shortly before the Queen of Pop's accidental death in February?

That's what Derrick Handspike told the UK tabloid The Sun recently – and he didn't even hide behind anonymity!

They were planning a small wedding with just their daughter Krissi, Handspike told The Sun. As for Ray J, he was reportedly out of the picture months before Whitney's death, contrary to rumors that Whitney and her boo Ray J were deeply committed to each other up until the very end.

To say nothing of Alicia Etheridge, whom Bobby Brown is reportedly engaged to marry!

The claim would be easily written off if it were anonymous or came from someone else, but Derrick Handspike has a long history of being close with Bobby Brown, and, according to Forbes's Roger Friedman, basically published Bobby Brown's autobiography under his name.

According to Friedman, Bobby Brown wanted to self-publish a tell-all book back in 2008, and had planned on writing it with an Atlanta-based hip-hop producer and author of a few books Derek Handspike.

The only problem? Bobby signed a confidentiality agreement with Houston in which he promised not to write anything about her, according to Friedman.

To get around the legal stipulation, Derek Handspike was made the sole author – at least on the cover of the book – with Bobby Brown's role reduced to someone who was fairly compensated for the book, according to the foreward. Friedman, at least, interprets this to mean that it's the same book, just dressed up under Handspike's name.

So what does this all mean? Well, it means that Derek Handspike may actually know what he's talking about!