Casey Anthony, the young mother accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter using chloroform and duct tape, was acquitted Tuesday, prompting lawmakers to push for Caylee's Law. The 25-year-old will likely be released July 16, making her the most hated woman in the nation.

Anthony's defense said that the little girl drowned in a swimming pool accident while the prosecution maintained that Anthony drugged the child with chloroform and suffocated her using duct tape. The body was discovered December 2008 and was so badly decomposed that it was profoundly difficult to determine the cause of death. Caylee was reported missing July 2008 by Casey's mother. A coroner ruled the death a homicide. Internet searches for the terms chloroform, neck-breaking, and self-defense were found on her computer.

The young woman partied after the child died in a swimming pool accident, acquiring a tattoo with the Italian words for Beautiful Life and entering herself into a hot body contest. Definitely a normal thing to do after your child drowns in a swimming pool accident.

The defense said that sexual abuse she endured from her father George Anthony and brother Lee Anthony enabled her to become a masterful liar. George and Lee Anthony denied the allegations. Casey parents have maintained that she is not innocent.

Two Florida lawmakers filed a bill named Caylee's Law, which will elevate the failure to report a missing child or child's death from a misdemeanor to a felony.

The unprecedented publicity of the murder trial, largely enabled by Anthony's good looks, may have contributed to the not guilty verdict.

Caylee's Law will make it a felony for a parent or caretaker to not report a child under 12 missing after a 48-hour period. It will also make it a felony to not report a child's death or the location of the body within two hours of the child's demise.