Stephane Missier, who goes by the alias Charles le Brigand, said he saw a peculiar sight while biking to the Rockaways in Queens. The Brooklyn-based photographer said he found what looked like pyramids on his Dec. 30 bike trip.

The cone-shaped dunes were erected in the parking lot at Jacob Riis Park, according to the original post on Brigand’s website. The photographer noted that the structures were man-made, and that the location was being used as a transfer point for debris left over from Hurricane Sandy.

“Polished by the cold winter wind, these artificial cones formed an eerie lunar landscape,” Brigand said in a description posted on his website. “The presence of all kinds of construction and hauling trucks on the site as well as conveyor belts, generators, watch towers, and pole lights, gave me the impression of being on another some kind of a spatial station.”

After taking multiple shots of the urban pyramids, Brigand said that he was ejected from the area by a sanitation officer.

Hurricane Sandy struck the small peninsula, known as the Rockaways, located just east of Manhattan, hitting the area with high winds, rain and flooding. Firefighter Michael Parrella told the New York Times the Rockaways were "probably the most flooded part of the city."

Brigand explained in an email to the Blaze, “I knew the city was using the parking lot as a debris transfer site but I wasn’t expecting such an eerie landscape.”

Click here to see Brigand's photographs.