The lives of 33 Chilean miners changed forever when the copper and gold mine they were working in collapsed on Aug. 5, 2010.

The miners, trapped 700 meters underground in the northern tip of Chile, began an unbelievable journey to survival, inspiring the world with their bravery, friendship and leadership, before the first video emerged from the mine 17 days later.

On Oct. 13, 2010, 69 days into the nightmare, the world watched as the miners were rescued, one by one, thanks to a meticulous drill operation.

Since the incident, books and documentaries have been made about the miners, and film deals have been the talk of the town.

But one year later, most of the 33 Chilean miners are back to their life of poverty and have been struggling with psychological problems, according to several reports.

Samuel Avalos, the 22nd miner to be rescued, has reverted to selling pirate CDs on the street. His income is less than half of the salary he made as a miner, according to The Guardian.

"Some have problems with their memories and they're suffering. We don't all have the same capacity to bounce back," shift leader Luis Urzua told Agence France-Presse.

Several events across Chile, including a massive celebration on Oct. 13, 2011, have been scheduled to commemorate the 33 miners and their unbelievable rescue.