Chopard introduced a stunning 85 carat diamond comparable in luster and transparency to the legendary Koh-i-Noor diamond.

The extreme limpidity, whiteness and clarity of the stone acquired by the jeweler falls in the IIA class, an extremely rare and pure category accounting for approximately 1 percent of all diamonds.

I love gems. I have seen a lot of them in my career, but the beauty of this particular one surpasses most others, and it is truly exceptional, said Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, Co-President of the House and Creative Director during the unveiling of the stone.

Stones of such perfection and such size historically originate from the Indian mines of Golconda, which were the only known diamond mines until the 19th century.

It is now in the hands of Chopard's production team to create a piece of dazzling jewelry around this unique stone.