Veteran filmmaker and four times Oscar winner Clint Eastwood's latest film, Hereafter got a mixed response at the Toronto film festival.

While Chicago Sun-times film critic Roger Ebert in his blog written that Eastwood's film is sensitive and for intelligent people who are naturally curious about what happens when the shutters close, Variety called it uneven but absorbing and said Eastwood moves into risky new territory with old-fashioned grace and sturdy classical dances right on the edge of the ridiculous and at times even crosses over.

The film opens with startling scenes of a tsunami roaring through a holiday resort and captures lives of three people living in London, Paris and San Francisco.

Matt Damon plays George, a blue-collar worker trying to cope with his unusual gift -- a connection to the afterlife. Cecile De France is Marie, a French television journalist who writes a book about a traumatic personal event, and Frankie McLaren plays Marcus, a young boy trying to find direction after a great loss.

Hereafter is the ninth film by the veteran director. The 80-year-old director said he hadn't given much thought to whether there is anything after death. The film opens in U S on October 22.