Halloween comes before the end of daylight saving time this year, so don't turn your clocks back yet. Daylight saving time (DST), the official term, comes to an end on Nov. 6. That's when the time comes to turn your clocks back one hour -- or fall back, as some say to remember which direction to move clocks.

It's fall back and spring forward and since it's fall -- Nov. 6 is the day all clocks should be turned back.

That's later in the year than most are used to. The extended daylight saving time began in 2007, according to the U.S. Energy Act of 2005. The act stated that clocks would be set back one hour on the first Sunday of November instead of on the last Sunday of October, as was traditional. The spring forward portion of DST was also moved up, to the second Sunday in March from the first Sunday of April.

Some won't have to adjust their clocks, since a few areas in the United States don't observe daylight saving time, theoretically designed to save energy. States and areas that don't observe include much of Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.