The recent E.coli outbreak in Germany, which killed 11 people, has spread panic and concern throughout Europe and the world. In what is considered the largest E.coli outbreak in Germany, the origin of the recent event is still under investigation. Countries such as Spain and Sweden have been linked to the transport of contaminated cucumbers. Precautions has been taken into account as vegetables are under serious testing and selected kinds may be banned from entering certain countries. Here is what you should know about the outbreak strain of E.coli O104.

The ingestion of foods with the E.coli strain leads to haemolytic-uremic syndrome, which causes complications to the kidneys that leads to severe health conditions.

Cases in Germany have mostly been issues with intestinal infections that includes symptoms of fever leading to vomiting. Other symptoms include watery or bloody diarrhea. The infection develops sores in the intestines, resulting in bloody stool. The outbreak has mostly victimized elderly women and has potential to affect children.

Advisory from Denmark's school authorities have announced that there is not treatment if you are infected. The body will try to get rid of the E.coli, thus it is better to avoid anti-diarrheal medicines and not prevent bowel movements or vomiting. The main step is to remain hydrated by drinking lots of water as your body naturally removes the poison. Avoiding restaurants serving vegetables, especially cucumbers, maybe a good idea as many fast-food chains have temporarily removed the items from their menu.