is thinking cats and dogs, as it will soon be offering People & Pet Packages that will include a local spa holiday for the pet, while owners are off traveling to Europe by rail, the company said in a statement.

Pet owners can enjoy their European vacations without worrying about their pets, and the facilities will ensure that pets stay active and healthy during their stay - both animal and human will go home feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and totally pampered, pet psychologist Dr. Faros Ipoll said.

Recent studies have shown that pet owners are less likely to take long trips than those with no animals to care for. The stress of finding appropriate pet care seems to outweigh their desire to travel, according to experts.

More than anything, we want to help people take their dream trip to Europe. We can make that easier by thinking about their dogs and cats, Jeroen de Bruin, sales & marketing director for, said.

Prioritising convenience, comfort and quality for the pet, will offer relaxing environments, good food, social interaction, new adventures and convenient accommodations to animals while their owners are away.

Pet owners know they can't bring their animals with them to Europe, but both pets and owners can feel traumatized by long separations, Ipoll explained, adding that the idea is to have as much fun planned for the pet as a European holiday will offer a tourist and bring more tourists to Europe in a way.