XBox Reuters
XBox Reuters

Yesterday, Bethesda announced the upcoming “The Evil Within” DLC, which is slated to be the last one the game is going to get. The Executioner DLC has players control the blood-thirsty giant known as The Keeper, the big man with a safe door for a head and a large meat tenderized hammer as a weapon. The announcement, along with the DLC trailer, can be seen in the company's official blog.

Previous “The Evil Within” DLC has players control Juli Kidman. She stars in both “The Assignment” DLC and “The Consequence” DLC.

Interestingly enough, while the gameplay of “The Evil Within” revolves around third-person shooting and survival horror, “The Executioner” will be utilizing a first-person perspective for The Keeper. In addition to the new point of view, The Keeper will also have more weapons against the various enemies he’ll be taking on, such as his trusty hammer and the fan-favorite chainsaw.

While most fans are expecting The Keeper to destroy lead characters Sebastian Castellanos and Juli Kidman, the big villain will actually be taking on other adversaries the players faced in the game, according to Gamespot. While the teaser trailer only shows The Keeper fighting zombies, players can expect to take on some of the bigger bosses as well.

“Resident Evil 4” director Shinji Mikami directed “The Evil Within,” and fans of both games could see some similarities with both titles. The Keeper and the Chainsaw Man from “Resident Evil 4” particularly look similar and both carry chainsaws, with the main difference being the sack that the Chainsaw Man wears on his head and the safe door for The Keeper’s head.

Fans will be able to play “The Executioner” this month on May 26 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC. Fans of the game who bought “The Evil Within” season pass for $20 will have immediate access to “The Executioner” DLC once it’s released, along with the rest of the DLC.

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The Evil Within: The Executioner - Teaser (Credit: YouTube/Bethesda Softworks)