Fat Baby Galaxy
A typical level is seen in "Fat Baby Galaxy." http://steamcommunity.com/

Inspired by classic Nintendo games such as “Donkey Kong Country” and “Tempest,” “Fat Baby Galaxy” looks like a fast-paced platformer that should please fans of that genre. Developed by veterans from EA Games and LucasArts, “Fat Baby Galaxy” is designed for gamers who use Apple iOS or Google Android devices, or their Windows PC.

According to Pocket Gamer, the designers are Sean Rosenbaum and Rich Larm, both of whom took part in developing games like “The Sims” and “Command and Conquer.” “Fat Baby Galaxy” seems to have a classic influence, taking aspects of “Donkey Koung Country,” “Tempest” and “Kirby” to make a visually interesting and colorful video game.

The developers seem to be hoping that this game will become a series, as the company’s name is Fat Baby Games and “Fat Baby Galaxy” is their first title. Whether this game gets a sequel or not will depend on how well it sells -- and gets downloaded by mobile players.

Players will be in control of a cosmo-bot called Fat Baby, as stated on the Fat Baby Games website. Seven action-packed levels will have players blasting through cannons, timing their jumps and destroying their enemies with lasers. Each world promises to be unique and will offer plenty of variety in the gameplay department.

Fat Baby Games hopes fans will vote for the PC version of the game to get a Steam Greenlight as the newly dubbed “Fat Baby Galaxy: Rash Prevention.” Right now, no distinct differences are apparent between the PC and mobile versions of the game, though the developers promise that both versions will play well.

“Fat Baby Galaxy” doesn’t have a release date yet, though it should be available for PC and mobile devices soon. Meantime, fans can check out the game’s trailer below and see how action-packed and colorful the game is.