The 28-member alliance NATO has decided to take over the task of enforcing the no-fly zone over Libya from the hands of U.S.-led coalition.

However, NATO has not decided as to whether its responsibility included attacking Muammar Gaddafi or to keep his forces at bay. Until then the allies UK, US and France will continue their offensive against Gaddafi's tanks and forces, says Los Angeles Times.

CNN reported that NATO is considering a broader role in Libya. In a surprise move, United Arab Emirates has sent 12 aircrafts to assist NATO in enforcing a no-fly zone.

The strife in Libya and the international support accorded to rebels in the form of the U.S.-led military assistance has evoked mixed reactions from across the globe. The mood across the globe is best captured by graffiti, placards and banners held by protestors across the world.

Graffiti art and placards reveal a divided world over the Libyan crisis, with some protestors backing Gaddafi, some opposing Gaddafi and some others opposing the U.S.-led action in particular.

Suddenly, in a land where Gaddafi once controlled the portrayal of his image, the walls are splattered with images and words which denounce his image now.

Also seen are the placards and banners expressing support for Gaddafi and vehement opposition towards the U.S.-led coalition air strikes in Libya.

Here are pictures of graffiti, placards and banners from across the world which provide a colorful insight as to how divided the global opinion on Libya is: