Turin(Italy) - In Molinette Hospital, vagina reconstruction was performed for the first time ever by Dr. Dario Fontana, Director of the Division of Urology 2 Molinette Hospital.

The surgery was assisted by Luigi Rolle, Head of Simple Structure of Andrology and Luciano Galletti, head of Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital Agnelli Pinerolo.

A girl of 18 years was born with a rare disease called Rokitansky syndrome characterized by the absence of the uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina in the presence of the ovaries.

In this case, it was found that the girl is absent with a vagina and the utherine isthmus thereby inhibit the possibility of conception.

According to the doctors, the reconstruction of the vagina involve the use of a section of the intestine to allow sexual intercourse.

The doctors also performed a necessary connection of the newly constructed vagina with the intestine and with the body of the uterus. This connection is to allow for the possibility of a future pregnancy.

Dr. Fontana said It was a very complex procedure. We created a channel between the rectum and bladder, and we have entered the vagina, constructed a section of intestine and ileum detubularizzato is reconfigured. The target that we set ourselves when we planned for this is a difficult intervention.

There were threefold: first to enable the menstrual flow while avoiding intense pain that she complained of during menstruation; the second to allow a normal sexual relationship; the third for a possible future pregnancy. If long-term results prove to be good, the patient may have a normal sex life and perhaps a future pregnancy. Although, in this case, many problems were solved, there is no practical experience in this regard .