After receiving a letter from group of privacy and security experts, Google is planning to turn on HTTPS as the default for all Gmail users all the time.

The company's decision came about when a group of security experts told Google that its popular web apps, including Gmail and Google Docs are putting millions of users at risk of fraud from hackers.

Afterwards, Google release a statement saying that they are currently working to improve their services.

We're currently looking into whether it would make sense to turn on HTTPS as the default for all Gmail users, Alma Whitten, a Google software engineer, wrote in a Google Public Policy blog post.

Turning on HTTPS may slow the website or in some cases it makes certain actions slower, according to the company.

The firm said it will investigate further before it makes the decision final.

We want to more completely understand the impact on people's experience, analyze the data, and make sure there are no negative effects, Whitten wrote.

Google says that they are planning to make a trial program which will include small samples of different types of Gmail users to HTTPS to see what their experience is, and whether it affects the performance of their email.

If the company found no negative effects on the user experience, Google may turn on HTTPS by default.

We intend to turn on HTTPS by default more broadly, hopefully for all Gmail users. We're also considering how to make this work best for other apps including Google Docs and Google Calendar, Whitten added.