Texas Governor Rick Perry speaks during the Republican Party of Florida presidential candidates debate in Orlando, Florida, September 22, 2011.
Texas Governor Rick Perry speaks during the Republican Party of Florida presidential candidates debate in Orlando, Florida, September 22, 2011. REUTERS

Texas Gov. and onetime Republican presidential frontrunner Rick Perry suffered a major embarrassment at Wednesday night's debate when he couldn't remember the name of all the government agencies he would eliminate if he became president.

I will tell you, it is three agencies of government when I get there that are gone: Commerce, Education, and - what's the third one there? Let's see, Perry stopped mid-sentence, invoking laughter.

Texas Rep. Ron Paul was of little help who suggested Perry should actually eliminate five departments, to which Perry answered: Five. Okay. Commerce, Education, and the --

At this point someone suggested EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, to Perry to which he answered: EPA. There you go.

The CNBC debate moderator John Harwood nudged Perry for an answer, expressing doubt whether it was actually the EPA Perry was thinking about. Perry said: No, sir, no, sir. We are talking about the -- agencies of government -- EPA needs to be rebuilt.

By then the disastrous memory loss had reached an unredeemable stage. The moderator pushed for an answer again: You can't -- you can't name the third one?

It was at this point that Perry understood he'd better end it: Commerce and, let's see. I can't. The third one, I can't. Sorry. Oops.

By the time Perry was called on again, he had remembered what he was talking about, 15 minutes back: That was the Department of Energy that I was reaching for a while ago

Perry's historic embarrassment, rather unprecedented in U.S. presidential debates, has already become a search term on YouTube.

According to Peter Hamby of CNN, Perry showed up at the spin room after the debate and told reporters, I'm sure glad I had my boots on because I sure stepped in it out there.

Damage control measures included Perry's spokesman Ray Sullivan telling CNBC, Every modern president has had a gaffe and argued that the governor still named two more federal agencies to eliminate.

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