The groundhogs across the country have been awaken for Groundhog Day 2012, to determine how many more weeks of winter we will have to endure. This year, there were some discrepancies with the groundhogs' predictions across North America.

This is perhaps one of the largest weekday crowds we've had, announced Jeff Mundy an Inner Circle member, as reported in a previous article.

Should he see his shadow there will be two winters, Mundy told a crowd that subsequently started booing. Should he not see his shadow, spring will be around the corner.

In Punxsutawney, Pa., the famed Punxsutawney Phil was awaken from his sleep in front of a crowd of approximately 18,000. Unfortunately, cute and fury Punxsutawney Phil reportedly saw his shadow at approximately 7:25 a.m.

Just a state away in New York, Staten Island Chuck, reportedly did not see his shadow and is calling for an early spring. Chuckles the Connecticut groundhog also did not see his shadow, according to a Tweet from Manchester Patch.

In Canada, the Nova Scotia's Shubenacadie Sam and Ontario's Wiarton Willie did not see their shadow, meaning no more winter for Canada, reported the National Post.

Regardless of who is right, click through the slideshow to check out the best images from GroundHog Day 2012!