Striking Hollywood writers represented by the Writers Guild of America (WGA) rejected a new royalty payments proposal offer from the industry's executives.

After a four week strike, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers offered writers an extra $130 million over three years. The WGA responded by calling it a massive rollback. Talks are scheduled to resume next week Tuesday as both sides failed to agree on the proposal from studios that was issued late Thursday.

Details of the deal included offering more than $130 million in additional compensation above and beyond the more than $1.3 billion writers already receive each year, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers

The WGA said the proposal did not deal satisfy their concerns and issued a counter offer of $151 million over three years, $21 million more than the given proposal.

The strike, which began November 5, led General Electric Co.'s NBC, CBS Corp. and Walt Disney Co.'s ABC to show reruns of late-night television talk shows due to the lack of new material. Production of some films, dramas and comedies were also put on hold. Affected shows include the hit series of Heroes, Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives.