The following is a written statement by Jaycee Dugard as read by her mother Terry Probyn at the sentencing of Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy Garrido on June 2, 2011.


I chose not to be here today because I refuse to waste another second of my life in your presence. I've chosen to have my mom read this for me.

Phillip Garrido, you are wrong. I could never say that to you before, but I have the freedom now, and I am saying you are a liar, and all of your so-called theories are wrong. Everything you have ever done to me has been wrong, and someday I hope you can see that.

What you and Nancy did was reprehensible. You always justified everything to suit yourself but the reality is and always has been that to make someone else suffer for your inability to control yourself and for you, Nancy, to facilitate his behavior and trick young girls for his pleasure is evil. There is no God in the universe that would condone your actions.

To you, Phillip, I say that I have always been a thing for your own amusement. I hated every second of every day of 18 years because of you and the sexual perversion you forced on me.

To you, Nancy, I have nothing to say.

Both of you can save your apologies and empty words. For all the crimes you have both committed I hope you have as many sleepless nights as I did.

Yes, as I think of all of those years, I am angry because you stole my life and that of my family. Thankfully I am doing well now and no longer live in a nightmare. I have wonderful friends and family around me. Something you can never take from me again. You do not matter anymore.