What a better way to celebrate your 101st birthday.

Mary Allen Hardison, a 101-year-old woman from Ogden, Utah, was recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records on Tuesday, breaking the record for tandem paragliding last year.

Hardison, who is a great-great grandmother, was officially named the Oldest Female to Paraglide Tandem on Tuesday by Guinness. Hardison is, according to Guinness, a self-described rookie to the paragliding sport whose primary hobby is knitting garments for the less fortunate: caps for children's' hospitals, crocheted bandages for leopards in India, and knit caps for premature babies.

According to The Associated Press, Hardison flew a smooth ride on September 1 last year with a flight instructor while four generations of her family watched her glide and do tricks.

Guinness reported that Hardison was not nervous, as many people have been successful in tandem paragliding in the past.

If it's safe for them, then it's safe for me, she said.

Hardison's instructor, Kevin Hintze, reportedly said the 101-year-old was all about doing tricks while paragliding.

She wanted me to go upside down -- do whatever I wanted, Hintze said. She was hardcore.

Hardison said she began paragliding inspired by her 75-year-old son who does it as a hobby.

I didn't want him to do something that I couldn't do, Hardison told The AP.

And this great-great grandma is no stranger to danger, as she celebrated her 90th birthday riding all of the roller coasters in Disneyland.

Hardison has not only inspired her family and friends to begin paragliding, but hopes to inspired fellow members of the elderly community.

My desire is for the elderly to keep on going. Do things as long as you are physically able, Hardison said. Be positive. Friends don't like a grumpy person.

Mary Allen Hardison beat a 100-year-old woman from Cyprus who held the record since 2007.

When a person is busy, the hurts seem to ease up, Hardison said. If you are able and even older than I, then I'm happy for people to attempt to break my record. I promise the experience will be well worth it!

View a video of 101-year-old Mary Allen Hardison breaking the record for tandem paraglide here at Guinness World Records.