Michele Bachmann
GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann called the Penn State scandal involving assistant coach Jerry Sandusky "horrific" and said if the abuse had happened to any of her children her "automatic reaction would be, even if I’m a small woman, I would want to go find that guy and beat him to a pulp.” Reuters

Michele Bachmann's pollster and senior adviser are leaving her presidential campaign.

Pollster Ed Goeas will leave the campaign once Bachmann has debated in New Hampshire and Nevada, The Associated Press reported.

Ed will work on several projects with us this month, then we shift focus to Iowa and he will shift to other projects not associated with the campaign, Bachmann spokesperson Alice Stewart said, The AP reported.

Senior adviser Andy Parrish will return to Bachmann's congressional office in Minnesota, The AP reported.

Iowa Republican editor Craig Robinson commented on the depatures to Reuters, saying they were a sign of financial trouble for the congresswoman's presidential campaign.

At the presidential level, you do need to do some polling, Robinson said. This looks like a campaign that is getting lean. It shows you how far she has fallen.

Bachmann is not the only GOP candidate with aide troubles.

Newt Gingrich lost several campaign aides in June, including spokesperson Rick Tyler.

We had a fundamental difference about strategy, he said in a FOX News interview that month, referring to the departed staffers.

Gingrich did not lament too much over the loss.

All of my core team, the people who were with me over ten years, with the exception of one person, all of them are still here, he said.