Single, divorced and separated men age 50 and older are likely to binge drink, suggests one of the findings of a latest study conducted in the UK. Reuters

Until today, alcoholic lifestyle was determined based on the categorization of the people into two groups – drinkers or non-drinkers. Now a new study has divided drinkers into four cultural character types, based on their behavior after they are two shots down.

The four categories suggested by the researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia include Ernest Hemingway, Mr Hyde, Mary Poppins and The Nutty Professor. Each category has been associated with a specific set of behavioral characteristics that helped researchers differentiate the alcoholics.

During the study, the researchers found that a majority of people belonged to the Hemingway group, meaning that the before and after behavior in the people observed remained the same. People belonging to the group Mary Poppins became extraverted after getting drunk.

“The Mary Poppins group of drinkers essentially captures the sweet, responsible drinkers who experience fewer alcohol-related problems,” said researchers, reported The Independent.

Mr Hyde type of people transformed into hostile characters after getting drunk. The researchers noticed that people belonging to this group were “less responsible and less intellectual." On the other hand, people who were categorized into the group of The Nutty Professor felt gregarious when drunk and were shy when sober.

During the study – which has been published in the Addiction Research and Theory – the researchers asked a group of 364 men and women to fill out a single personality test twice. The first set of test was supposed to be filled thinking that they are sober, and the other thinking that they are drunk.