Pottermore is finally up and running ending the speculation over what the website has in store. Though, the promised content hasn't been made available, J. K. Rowling has announced that Pottermore will offer new material about characters, places, and objects along with digital version of the Harry Potter books.

Pottermore has been designed as a place to share the stories with your friends as you journey through the site, says J K Rowling. But the announcement hasn't cut a clear picture of what exactly users are going to experience when they login to the website. Of course, they can buy Harry Potter eBooks. But Rowling has promised much more in the announcement video supported by amazing paper animation.

Harry Potter fans have let their imagination go wild with the available clues.

Some of them believe new material meant prequels to the existing stories. Many Harry Potter readers say Pottermore will be an interactive digital story, where readers can indulge in witchcraft. A section thinks that Pottermore will let readers tell Harry Potter stories and share them with friends. Others say Pottermore will let readers indulge in roll play, much like an online game.

Some of the earlier guesses have been ruled out. Pottermore is definitely not going to be a Harry Potter encyclopaedia.

Pottermore is currently not accepting email addresses, due to overwhelming demand.

Looks like the mystery behind Pottermore will continue till July 31, Harry Potter's birthday. That is when the registration to Pottermore will begin.