If you're a tourist who's planning on going on an adventure sometime soon, you've probably already factored in the cost to travel in your trip's overall budget. But unbeknownst to many travelers, the cost of transportation doesn't stop there -- it also includes the price to get around within your destination country and subsequent city trips. In fact, the price of this intra-country transportation can affect how much of your dream destination is actually available to you.

Fortunately for you, there's an infographic courtesy of GoEuro, a German travel start-up that combines transportation options available by city. The company has created a Transportation Price Index ranking 51 countries in terms of average price for plane, train and bus travel.

Transport Price Index Ranking
On average, South Africa was the cheapest country for transportation, be it on a plane, train or bus, while Switzerland was the most expensive country. GoEuro

South Africa, on average, is the cheapest country for transportation. The country ranked the cheapest for train price, 5th for bus price and 3rd for flight price. As for the most expensive country, Switzerland ended up in 51st place and was the 2nd most expensive country for train price, 4th most expensive for bus price and 2nd most expensive for flight price.

Flight Price
Finland is the most expensive country to fly while India is the cheapest. GoEuro

For train prices, Denmark was the most expensive, costs $39.84 to travel 100 kilometers (62 miles) while it only cost $1.88 to cover the same distance in South Africa. Traveling 100km by bus in the Netherlands will cost you $28.58 while it's only $1.88 in Egypt. India had the cheapest flight price, $10.36/100km, while Finland, $138.90, was the most expensive.

Train Price
Traveling by train is expensive in Denmark but really cheap in South Africa. GoEuro

The U.S. was an average deal for the bus and train price and was among the cheaper countries for flight price. The U.S. ranked 35th in average train price, $18.61/100km, 29th for bus price, $7.92, and 6th cheapest for flight price, $13.89/km. GoEuro figured out train price by comparing distance, train speed, service (regional or long distance) and class. Bus price was calculated by combining tax, cost per kilometer and cost of gas.

The company notes, "As investment in infrastructure and quality of service are defining factors in the cost of transportation, it is important to note that countries with higher costs are very likely to be the ones with better service."

Bus Price
It costs $28.58 to travel 100 kilometers (62 miles) in the Netherlands but a mere $1.88 in Egypt. GoEuro