Television producer and writer Shonda Rhimes accepts a W.E.B. Du Bois Medal at the Hutchins Center Honors at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 2014. Reuters

Shonda Rhimes isn’t letting critics get away with anything. The creator of the wildly popular “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Scandal” TV series has been using her Twitter account to shut down fans she sees as closed-minded.

On Sunday, Rhimes fired back at a Twitter user who complained the “gay scenes” on her shows “are too much. There is no point and they add nothing to the plot.” Two of Rhimes’ shows feature male main characters having sexual relationships with other men. Cyrus Beene, the White House chief of staff on “Scandal,” has been involved with a male prostitute. On “How to Get Away with Murder,” for which Rhimes is an executive producer, law school student Connor often sleeps with men for access to evidence.

In response, Rhimes tweeted, “There are no GAY scenes. There are scenes with people in them.” She frequently has scenes involving people who are gay, she wrote, and “If u use the phrase ‘gay scenes’, u are not only LATE to the party but also NOT INVITED to the party. Bye Felicia. #oneLOVE.” Rhimes has spoken out on the subject before. About a year ago, she posted a statement on WhoSay explaining her answer to “WHY ALL THE GAYS ON MY TV SHOWS?”

“Because I believe everyone should get to see themselves reflected on TV. EVERYONE,” she wrote. “And because I love all my gay and lesbian friends. AND because I think same-sex marriage is the civil rights fight of our era and back when being a person of color was the civil rights fight, people like Norman Lear put black people on TV and helped change some minds. So you know, it's gotta be paid forward.”

Racial issues have the been the subject of another Rhimes fight: In September, a New York Times reporter called her an “angry black woman.” What she's really frustrated by, she told the Hollywood Reporter, is that people constantly bring up her race and gender. On Twitter Sunday, she finished by telling her followers she loved them. “And remember,” she cautioned, “at some point, someone discriminated against you, too.”