An ugly footage of the Spain protest against Pope Benedict XVI's lavish four-day visit to the economically struggling country has surfaced. (The visit will cost Spain $61 million, according to Washington Post.)

On Thursday night in Madrid, Spain, the government's anti-riot police officers, wielding batons and sporting protective gear, dispersed protestors who gathered in Madrid's Puerta del Sol square.

In the disturbing video below, a young female Spanish (presumably) protester can be heard yelling loudly against the riot police at the beginning of the clip.

Violents! You are violents! Bastards! she yelled.

At the 1:30 minute mark, a loose pack of at least 8 riot police officers confronted the yelling woman, who was with a male companion.

The young woman said what's up?

What's up? responded one police officer.

Then, another police officers struck the woman in the face. Her male companion quickly lifted her up and carried her away from the surrounding pack of riot police officers.

While he was carrying her, clearly in retreat, at least two police officers struck him in the leg.

Then, the riot police officers brutally assaulted a photographer who was recording the event at the 2:00 minute mark of the video.

The photographer, Daniel Nuevo, posted on his blog that the police demanded his camera. He said a riot police officer hit his neck so hard that it paralyzed him completely for a few seconds. It stopped his body and he collapsed.

There I learned what fear is, wrote Nuevo.