Thanksgiving is right around the corner and for many, it is the most stressful time of the year.

Forget time with family and friends, laughing around a warm fire and reminiscing about the year. This holiday brings on heart palpitating-stress over what to cook.

Fret not, fellow Thanksgiving hosts. This year, Apple has got you covered.

Thanks to the millions of genius apps Apple has to offer, there is salvation, indeed. This Thanksgiving, you can use these apps to your advantage.

Whether you are lacking a complete Thanksgiving menu, do not know what wine goes with what dish, have just 20 minutes to cook, or are stressing over leftovers, there's an app for that.

Whether you are a veteran chef or an I-just-know-how-to-make-pasta novice, these apps will help you get through this holiday season with flying colors.

Here is a list of the 10 best apps to download this Thanksgiving so you can be sure of a good time (and an unburnt turkey).

Share your favorite Thanksgiving tips in the comments section below.