The recent report from WHO associates on cancer from mobile phone usage caused a variety of controversies and opinions from media, health experts and the general public. The report said cellphone use should be classified as possibly carcinogenic after reviewing all of the available scientific evidence.

Just as dangerous are numerous food items we consume on a daily basis. If you have been impacted by cell phone usage on cancer, check these out too.

Some facts you may want to know:

According to American Cancer Society, cancer is caused by mutations in a cell's DNA, some possibly inherited from parents while others caused by environmental factors. Environmental factors include lifestyle factors (nutrition, tobacco use, etc.), naturally occurring exposures (ultraviolet light, radon gas, infectious agents, etc.), medical treatments (radiation, chemotherapy, etc.), workplace and household exposures, and pollution.

Carcinogens, which cell phone was labeled as in WHO's study, are substances and exposures that can lead to cancer. Carcinogens have different cancer-causing potentials, and react differently to many factors in and around particular individuals. Depending on the length and intensity of exposure to activating substances and the individual's genetic makeup, carcinogens may or may not actually cause cancer.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies carcinogen candidates according to their cancer-causing potential, placing them into one of the following groups:

  • Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
  • Group 2A: Probably carcinogenic to humans
  • Group 2B: Possibly carcinogenic to humans
  • Group 3: Unclassifiable as to carcinogenicity in humans
  • Group 4: Probably not carcinogenic to humans