A U.N. climate meeting in Copenhagen committed on Saturday to try and complete its work on agreeing a new global pact by the end of 2010.

I have been given a note which I understand is the agreed text from the drafting group which looked at ... outcome of the work of the ad hoc working group on long-term cooperative action under the convention (on climate change).

That was code for the work of climate negotiators to agree a new climate pact to succeed the Kyoto Protocol, involving more countries and committing industrialized nations to tougher carbon cuts, at the sixteenth meeting of countries under the convention on climate change in Mexico in November 2010.

The following changes are in my understanding those agreed in the drafting group. ... would read 'continue its work with a view to presenting the outcome of its work to the conference of the parties for adoption at its sixteenth session'.

The president of the talks subsequently brought down his gavel on that decision at a plenary meeting of 193 countries in the Danish capital.