James Marsden and Evan Rachel Wood in a scene from HBO's "Westworld." HBO

The hosts are acting up in “Westworld,” and their creators, with the exception of Dr. Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins), are becoming really upset.

CarterMatt released the synopsis of Episode 3, entitled “The Stray,” which teases big changes for the characters of Dolores Abernathy and Teddy Flood.

It reads, “Elsie (Shannon Woodward) and Stubbs (Luke Hemsworth) head into the hills in pursuit of a missing host. Teddy (James Marsden) gets a new backstory, which sets him off in pursuit of a new villain, leaving Dolores (Evan Rachel Wood) alone in Sweetwater. Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) investigates the origins of madness and hallucinations within the hosts. William (Jimmi Simpson) finds an attraction he’d like to pursue and drags Logan (Ben Barnes) along for the ride.”

Meanwhile, the trailer for “The Stray” revealed the biggest problem of Westworld handlers - the hosts are starting to remember their past.

But the biggest threat among them all is Dolores, who has been described as “not like the others.” In the end, Ford questions Dolores in his lab: “Tell me, Dolores. If you did take on a bigger role for yourself, would you have been the hero or the villain?”

Earlier, Wood told the L.A. Times that fans have to be glued to their seats and keep their eyes on the screen in order to understand the complex layers of the show because not everything is as it seems.

“It’s a show you really want to pay attention to while you’re watching it. Everything means something,” she said. “I think when this series is done, your DVRs are going to break because everyone is immediately going to go back and re-watch the whole thing, and it will probably be better the second time.”

“Westworld” airs every Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.