Jimmi Simpson as William in a scene from “Westworld.” During the Season 1 finale, it was finally revealed that he grew up to become the mysterious Man in Black played by Ed Harris. HBO

Like the fans of the new HBO series, the cast of “Westworld” could not resist coming up with theories of their own to explain the characters' actions and predict their fate.

Jimmi Simpson, who plays reluctant theme-park-goer William, said he’s actually read most of the fan theories that have come up online. Whenever he and his castmates would get their scripts, they would start coming up with theories themselves.

“A lot of them remind me of the cast and I, when we were getting each script, because we would only get it script by script, sometimes scene by scene,” he told the Wall Street Journal. “And we would all have these conjectures and speculations as to what’s coming next. A lot of these ones were exactly the ones where we were like, wait, this happened and this happened, so it’s got to mean this. We were generally wrong.”

One of the more popular theories concerning his character William is that he will eventually become the mysterious Man in Black (Ed Harris). For Simpson, that theory is very flattering. “I love that one,” he said, as he thinks Harris’ Man in Black is “the friggin’ coolest character on the show.”

In the upcoming fourth episode of the show, titled “Dissonance Theory,” William and his brother-in-law Logan (Ben Barnes) will go on a bounty hunt in the badlands with host Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood), according to CarterMatt.

Simpson personally thinks William is somewhat ill-content with his life, so when he finally gets something, he will hold on to it no matter what. In contrast, “his introduction to this lifeform that is Dolores seems to spark an interest in an actually brighter side to him,” he said.

Little is shown of William, Logan and Dolores’ big adventure in the fourth episode trailer, but it looks like Dolores might have something bigger up her sleeves by partaking in this new storyline.

“Westworld” airs every Sunday at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.