A study showed that Australian women who go under cosmetic surgery often have unrealistic expectations about it and the risk involved with it.

Women in the Australian National University (ANU) survey shared that facelifts that were too tight and undesirable nose jobs that they had were shown before the surgery.

While others spoke of their breast surgery which has resulted to fitted implants that were too big for them.

It is wrong to say that women get exactly what they want when they undergo cosmetic surgery, associate professor Rhian Parker told reporters, study author and health sociologist of ANU.

TV programs show us people being transformed to what they desire for, but it doesn't show us the dangerous risk involved with it.

In other cases, surgeons recommend eyelifts or other procedures to women seeking facelifts so that they can improve profit margins.

It's very difficult to say 'no' most especially if a doctor is in a position or authority to suggest something.

Prof. Parker, author of Women, Doctors and Cosmetic Surgery: Negotiating the 'Normal' Body, said that 32 women in Victoria that she interviewed for her book decided to get surgery in secret, even without consulting their GP.

They don't tell close family and friends about getting a plastic surgery, she said.

The public needs more information about who carried out the procedures, and the qualifications of different specialists, she added.

Cosmetic surgery has to move from peripheral shadows of medicine to be made accountable so consumers can have more choices.

Prof Parker advised women who are thinking of undergoing plastic surgery to first ask their chosen practitioner how many procedures have they done in a year, if they have received any complaints, possible risks of the procedure and the length of recovery after the process.

Ideally, they should interview at least three surgeons.

Research showed that tens of thousands of cosmetic surgery procedures have been performed in the past years, with their numbers increasing in a fast phase per year.