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365 Data Science: The Fastest Way to Become a Data Science Master

What exactly is data science? It is a field of study that combines programming skills and knowledge of mathematics and statistics to extract meaningful information from a specific set of data. Data scientists use algorithms for numbers, text, images and more to produce AI systems to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. In turn, these systems generate information that business analysts can translate into an actual business value.

This may be a little confusing at first, but 365 Data Science has made it simple and easy to understand. Whether you're looking for ways to expand your knowledge or just want to be productive while staying at home, learning 365 Data Science is the best option. Here's everything you need to know about this platform.

Data Science education doesn't have to be expensive

365 Data Science pricing
365 Data Science offers three plans and purchasing each can get you access to:

  • 34 Courses
  • 150+ Hours of video
  • 640+ Exercises
  • Downloadables
  • Dedicated Support
  • Updates
  • Certificate

Features such as new content, portfolio advice, resume feedback are only available for Annual subscribers. If you want to try it out first, there's also a free plan that gives you access to hours of videos and exercises.

Choose from a wide array of courses

365 Data Science courses display

From the fundamentals to the nitty-gritty, 365 Data Science offers a total of 34 courses that are divided into four modules that are well-curated for easy learning. The curriculum is completely self-paced, you will not be obliged to follow the order of the courses that have been suggested. If you wish, you may directly jump to the more advanced topics!

More importantly, the program is designed literally for anyone, even for people who don't have a data science background. Whether you're a fresh graduate who wants to start a career in data science or an experienced professional who is looking to switch to data science, 365 Data Science is for you.

Module 1 - Fundamentals of Data Science

module 1
Module 1 courses

First, users will be introduced to the world of data science. It dives deep into the core principles of probability, statistics and mathematics necessary for building machines and deep learning models further in the program.

Module 2 - Programming For Data Science

module 2
Module 2 courses

Here you will focus on developing a versatile programming skillset. You will develop a thorough functional understanding of relational databases, using essential SQL queries to preprocess data and coding in Python and leveraging popular Python libraries

Module 3 - Machine and Deep Learning

module 3
Module 3 courses

Building on the foundations developed in the first two modules, Module 3 will teach you how to apply advanced statistical methods to execute predictive analytics.

Module 4 - Advanced Specialization

module 4
Module 4 courses

By now, you have developed a solid understanding of Python programming and statistical modeling. The concluding module gives you the opportunity to mold your data science expertise according to a field of your choosing.

Receive globally-certified certificates

365 Data Science certificate sample

You will receive a certificate that proves that you have gained a wide range of data science skills and are qualified for a data scientist or data analyst position. You can receive two types of certificates for this program:

Course-specific certificates
These certificates are confirmations that you have completed an individual course in the program. They are automatically generated from their Learning platform and you will receive notification via e-mail for each one that you’ve unlocked. You can receive up to 32 course-specific certificates.

Certificate of Completion for the entire training
Once you finish the entire program by completing all courses, exercises and assignments, they will send you a personal and verifiable certificate, which you can add to your resume, post on LinkedIn and send to prospective employers!