Australian Defence Force engineers carry the casket of a fallen colleague
Australian Defence Force engineers carry the casket of their friend and colleague Cpl. Richard Atkinson at Multinational Base Tarin Kowt in Uruzgan province February 5, 2011 in this photo provided by ISAF Regional Command (South). Atkinson was killed by an improvised explosive device (IED), during a joint patrol with the Afghan National Army in the Tangi Valley on February 2, 2011. REUTERS

There have been forty-three Afghanistan coalition military fatalities from the start of 2011 to February 12, according to tracker

The total comes after more than 711 fatalities last year, a record total in a war now in its 10th year, says the organization, which compiles official data. So far there have been 2,324 fatalities of coalition military service members in the Afghanistan War.

The coalition, which includes mostly U.S. troops, has planned to begin combat troop withdrawals by July of 2011, with Afghan troops expected to take over combat operations completely by 2014. Coalition troops are expected to remain in assistant roles in the region for years beyond that.

The totals for coalition fatalities in the previous years of the war are: 521 in 2009; 295 in 2008; 232 in 2007; 191 in 2006; 131 in 2005; 60 in 2004; 58 in 2003; 70 in 2002; and 12 in 2001.

In 2010, there were 711 coalition fatalities, including 499 from the United States, 103 from the U.K. and 109 from other nations.

The U.S. cost of the war in Afghanistan has been over $377 billion, according to the non-profit National Priorities Project. About $445.1 billion has been allocated for the war in Afghanistan since 2001, the group says, taking into account the latest Congressional funding law until March of 2011.