The power of the Internet and media has allowed people to expand their perception on many different realms of life, including the ways in which younger generations approach work and generating income. With a cultural history of idealizing the idea of having a nine-to-five job or just a job that pays sufficiently, there was little flexibility on what the possibilities of work could be. However, now that the online sphere has become a center for business and communication, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, the scope for work opportunities have reached new levels of versatility and reach. Moreover, a CNBC reported that "The traditional 9-to-5 office job doesn't adequately support the lives millennials and Gen Zs want to live," as they have an inclination towards being "flexible-work natives, raised during and after the dotcom bubble, where the acceleration of technology has sped up exponentially over time."

Someone who is taking advantage of this expanded realm of work is Edwin Tsang, a 23-year-old entrepreneur who has grown to be a self-made entrepreneur with a focus in business, cryptocurrency, and music. Coming from a background that challenged that of the traditional course of attending high school, graduating college, and going after a corporate job to slowly work his way up, he utilized those around him and the experiences he gained to take him further, faster. Using a gap year after high school to attend tech conferences to build his network, and then attending college for three years before dropping out, Tsang was ready to focus on his idea of work with a strong drive to succeed. He felt that the idea of becoming his own boss, making his own hours, and having financial freedom was worth "the plunge and risk" to perform outside of that of the traditional educational system.

Edwin Tsang
Edwin Tsang Edwin Tsang

Following taking that risk, it took him about two years of having little to no income, working for free, and paying for expenses and opportunities to bring him to a position where he can enjoy the luxuries he was working towards. These luxuries included traveling the world, meeting new people, forming a network, and using the power of the Internet to develop his professional and financial portfolio, as well as his position in the music industry.

He feels confident in the decisions he has made thus far, as he can proudly vouch for the mentality he had while pursuing his success in cryptocurrency and music. Along the way, he found himself valuing "the network" he has created along the way the most, as he learns the "most by meeting people and asking them questions and taking their experiences and using it to [his] advantage." Moreover, from his experiences, he advises young people who are also willing to explore the world outside of those traditional paths to utilize the power of the Internet, explore opportunities, take on challenges, and use your failures and successes to find your passion.