• Max Verstappen wins his first Formula One with a dramatic win over Lewis Hamilton
  • Hamilton's brother expresses his disappointment on social media
  • Verstappen has reportedly told the Mercedes driver that he's looking forward to doing it again

Red Bull’s Max Verstappen has pulled off another controversial win that saw him copping his first Formula One title.

As expected, the final duel between the sport’s arch-rivals Lewis Hamilton and Verstappen did not fail to live up to the hype as the pair went head-to-head until the very last lap of the season.

Heading into the finish line of the final lap, Hamilton was leading until Verstappen sensationally took over with a swift turn to beat the seven-time world champion.

Mercedes appealed to have Verstappen’s win overturned following the sudden change in race director Michael Masi’s decision regarding the allowing of drivers to overlap the safety car in the final lap of the race, a situation in which the Silver Arrows believed the Red Bull star took advantage of.

In the end, the FIA has decided to dismiss Mercedes’ appeal and declared Verstappen as this year’s Formula One champion.

Expressing his bold take on Instagram, Hamilton’s paternal half-brother Nicolas, who is also a racer competing at the British Touring Car Championship, hailed the Mercedes driver as the “True Champion.”

Nicolas then lashed out at the FIA’s decision, referring to the organization as “a disgrace” to the sport.

“The FIA broke their own rules, which is a disgrace to our whole sport,” Nicolas wrote. “Nevertheless, regardless of being mistreated today, the Hamilton’s were humble in defeat.”

After his son succumbed to Verstappen, Lewis and Nicolas’ father Anthony Hamilton went over the Dutchman and his father Jos to congratulate them.

The scenery was viewed by many as a class act and Nicolas has put an emphasis on it as well.

“People can say what they like, but my Father’s gesture proves all of the doubters & haters wrong & shows who we are as ‘The Hamilton's,'” the 29-year-old stated. “Proving people wrong is in our DNA, which Lewis does on a daily basis. With utter professionalism & decency in defeat, even though we all know, that he was let down by the sport that he has given so much to.”

“Congratulations to Max for such a fantastic season from him."

Indeed, Verstappen had an epic 2021 season and his ending of Hamilton’s reign marks the start of a more intense rivalry in the sport of Formula One.

In fact, moments after beating his ultimate nemesis, Verstappen reportedly told Hamilton that he is already “looking forward to doing it again” next season.

Max Verstappen is the first Dutchman to win the Formula One title
Max Verstappen is the first Dutchman to win the Formula One title POOL via AFP / KAMRAN JEBREILI