An unusual fish whose face looks awfully similar to a human is driving the internet bonkers.

The video of the fish, which was supposedly spotted in a lake in China, based on the background noise, had some odd markings on its face which gave it a human-like appearance.

The video was shared on multiple online platforms and has been driving the internet crazy. There were many who doubted the authenticity of the video saying it was digitally modified.

However, Snopes, a fact-checking website for urban myths and legends, confirmed that the fish in question actually exists. According to the website, the fish with the human face is a carp fish.

Snopes also suggested that the video was authentic and not edited or digitally manipulated.

“We have been unable to find enough information about this specific video to reach a conclusion on its authenticity. However, what we did find suggests the video is real and has not been digitally manipulated,” Snopes said in their report. “The “human face” some viewers see, however, appears to simply be markings on the fish that look like a human face when viewed at a certain angle.”

Real face or not, internet users still reacted wildly to the video.

“That poor guy. You know all his fish “friends” make fun of him and call him “PeopleFace” behind his back. He must have an awful time in school,” a user commented.

“We really have to stop reproducing with the fish,” another Reddit user said.

The video was captured by a visitor in a village outside Kunming City in South China. It first started circulating in the Chinese mobile app Douyin and was later spread on Chinese social network Weibo.

Plastic can take up to 600 years to break down, eventually disintegrating into harmful micro-particles that are ingested by fish and end up in people's food
Plastic can take up to 600 years to break down, eventually disintegrating into harmful micro-particles that are ingested by fish and end up in people's food GREENPEACE / Richard Barnden