Pentagon's UFO Report To Be Released This Week, Will Hopefully Detail Alien Sightings
- Pentagon's detailed UFO report is set to be released this week
- Some speculate that the report will not contain significant information about alien sightings
- Officials such as John Podesta are hopeful that Pentagon's report will bring about more transparency
With Pentagon set to release its UFO report later this week, many are anticipating the details of the long-awaited document.
Some are curious to find out if the report will contain alien sightings, while some remain skeptical about the whole report.
For Scott Miller, chair and professor of the Aerospace Engineering Department at Wichita State University, the document will likely be another typical government report full of conjectures and is open to many interpretations.
"I’m interested in the report, but less than optimistic anything significant will surface," Miller told "Of course, these characteristics will leave it wide open to criticism and opportunity.”
Miller suspects that many of the UFO sightings will be related to nations simply doing some "spying." For him, building unmanned aerial vehicles is relatively easy for experienced individuals and other countries.
"The Chinese and Russians could easily do this sort of thing, from within the U.S., using hobby and other common resources," the professor said. "If I was them, I would make sure my spy vehicle looked otherworldly. Being seen while spying isn’t desired, but the related confusion that ensues adds to the noise of their mischief. It’s also funny to them."
John Podesta, former chief of staff to Bill Clinton and veteran of the Obama White House, is one of those who are more optimistic about the upcoming report. According to Vanity Fair, Podesta has been one of the most prominent figures goading Pentagon to release more information on UFOs.
The former chief of staff shared that there has been a change in public sentiment when it comes to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) -- an exciting development as this would bring about more transparency and the dismantlement of the government's secrecy when it comes to otherworldly matters.
“There’s always been tremendous public interest in this, but it was kind of pushed to the fringe. People were viewed as a little bit goofy if they wanted to raise the topic,” he explained. “Now I think that’s changed.”
“I’m a big advocate for all this openness,” Podesta told Vanity Fair. He added that his stance is to “declassify everything” in order to get more information out regarding UFOs and the events in Area 51.
Regardless of how Pentagon's report will turn out, advocates such as Leslie Kean are content with knowing that government agencies are now taking a step toward providing more information to the public.
“For me, what’s really important is just the fact that this report is happening at all...The fact that the Senate Intelligence Committee requested it at all is a huge step," said Kean, an investigative journalist known to be an advocate of government transparency around UFOs.
Podesta shares Kean's optimism regarding the matter. The former chief of staff hopes that the upcoming report will mark a shift when it comes to UAPs.
“I hope the mindset has changed and that they take both the interest from the Hill and the interest from the public as a sign that they need to do a thorough review and a serious job on this,” he said.

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