U.S. Ron Paul, R-Texas
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and 2012 GOP Presidential candidate. REUTERS

Ron Paul told Jon Stewart on Monday's The Daily Show that the media dismisses him as a credible contender for the GOP presidential nomination because he is a threat to the establishment.

The libertarian Congressman from Texas said that the media-dismissing him as an unelectable candidate-just doesn't understand his popular message.

Some people don't want to hear the message because it's a threat to them, because I'm a threat to the establishment, Paul said. They don't understand the message. That's why I think they're intimidated by me having a presence on the stage.

There has been a renewed round of criticism of the media's coverage of Paul's campaign, especially after his second place finish at the Iowa Ames straw poll received scant attention.

Paul and his supporters have been criticizing the media for ignoring his campaign, even downplaying his second-place finish in the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa. In the August poll, Paul beat out former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, an early heavyweight contender for the presidential nomination before dropping out.

When Stewart asked about growing his small, highly-enthusiastic base of supporters, Paul said his loyal following put his campaign on the verge of an explosion of interest.

With Paul's poll numbers ranging from single digits to the low teens, the candidate said he has enough supporters to help him deliver his libertarian message.

You do need a hardcore people who understand the message those are the people who will volunteer, work hard, donate the money. Then the persuasion comes, Paul said.

In debating libertarian views of federal government with Stewart, Paul called the ridiculous War on Drugs a danger to civil liberties. He also said that he fears the War on Drugs more than drugs themselves.

During the friendly interview, Stewart offered Paul some (comical) advice on how to catch up to his GOP presidential rivals, like dressing up as Sarah Palin. In giving Paul somewhat more serious advice, Stewart suggested that the candidate start flip flopping on his positions to gin up media interests.

Your consistency has been a real problem for the media, Stewart said.