Abandon Details

To abandon something, you have to do away with all related things or persons completely. Abandoning is the same as giving up on a particular thing and starting to neglect or ignore it. Abandoning something is like locking it away in an unbreakable chest and throwing the key away into the deep blue sea. After abandoning something, there’s no going back to it; you focus on things that are to come later in your life.

In business, abandoning could mean deserting a company or industry, especially among employees, since the owners who act as captains of the ship always go down with their companies. An employee might have been working at a company for a while and enjoyed their time there. However, sometimes businesses go through challenging times that might render them bankrupt or push them out of operation. Most of the time, the employees from such ‘sinking ships’ usually resign and seek employment in other companies in need of their services; the employees, therefore, abandon the falling business.

Abandoning might also refer to businesses leaving or doing away with some of their associates, including dealers and partners. When businesses are involved in scandals that draw negative publicity to their reputation, their associates will most likely cut ties with them to maintain their good reputation. No company would want to be associated with another company that has been involved in a massive scandal, as to do so would soil its name. Most companies, therefore, abandon business associates involved in anything shady to maintain their good reputation.

Example of Abandon

Let’s say you are a business person and own a company that deals in selling stationery. You have a huge market that includes schools, libraries, and offices that regularly buy your products despite having other options in your area. In short, your business is booming and growing larger by the day. Expansion is the driving force of your company at this point.

Amid all this success, one of your business partners, or your suppliers, to be precise, is involved in a major embezzlement scandal. Would you still want them to continue supplying products and raw materials to your store? You would most likely move on and find another supplier with a clean record as you would not want to be associated with a supplier with a bad reputation. In doing this, you abandon the old supplier and move on to a new one who would suit your needs at such a time.

Abandoning doesn’t only apply to people or companies; it can also apply to policies and ideals. Your business might have a vision or procedure by which you abide no matter the case or situation, but a good business plan should be flexible. Therefore, when you realize that the policies you are following are not bearing the fruits you expect them to, you are required to change the policies and adopt new ones that will get you where you want to be.

Significance of Abandoning

Abandoning something is acceptable and highly recommended, especially when things are not working out the way you had expected. It allows you to regroup and come up with a new plan that will push you forward. Abandoning something doesn’t have to be personal, but it sometimes is. You always want to go for the better option, no matter what.

In business terms, abandoning is significant, especially when dealing with corrupt associates or underperforming policies. You want to be smart and make a decision that suits you best. Don’t be afraid to make hard decisions because the hard decision is usually the right one. Therefore, abandoning someone or something against your progress is very important if you want to move forward.