Auckland, New Zealand Reuters

The pandemic may have caused overall livability to decline worldwide but some cities still found themselves flourishing. The Global Livability Index of 2021, an assessment published by the London–based Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), proves some were able to rise to the top after their successful approaches of COVID-19.

The world's most livable city went to Auckland, New Zealand. The No. 1 most livable city in 2019 was Vienna, which didn't crack the latest list.

Auckland's ranking may not be too surprising, as New Zealand's most populous city managed the pandemic better than most highly populated metropolitan areas. New Zealand declared a nationwide lockdown which closed the border entirely to almost all non-citizens or residents in a move that was praised by global health officials. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she makes “no apologies” for having the strictest regulations in the world. It allowed for them to mostly stop community transmissions and for schools, theaters, and restaurants to stay open.

The EIU report used data, analysis and forecasts to compile its list. The report also took into account: country stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. New indicators were included, such as stress on healthcare resources and overall restrictions due to the pandemic.

The top 10 cities came from just four countries: New Zealand, Japan, Australia and Switzerland.

Here are the most livable cities in the world and their scores.

· Auckland, New Zealand (96.0)
· Osaka, Japan (94.2)
· Adelaide, Australia (94.0)
· Wellington, New Zealand (93.7)
· Tokyo, Japan (93.7)
· Perth, Australia (93.3)
· Zurich, Switzerland (92.8)
· Geneva, Switzerland (92.5)
· Melbourne, Australia (92.5)
· Brisbane, Australia (92.4)

“There’s been quite a big shake-up in terms of, certainly the top 10, but also right throughout the ranking, based upon the Covid-19 situation,” Simon Baptist, global chief economist at the EIU, told CNBC.

Long periods of lockdown measures or surges in cases caused some cities to see their livable scores become reduced. While other cities' pandemic procedures helped them move up.

The lower end of the rankings according to the report that had seen less change and is still the least livable city in the world is the Syrian capital, Damascus with a score of (26.5). Syria has been involved in an over decade-long civil war.

Europe saw many cities drop on the list. Cities in Australia, New Zealand, and Japan rose on the list due to the availability of services from healthcare systems since cases were so low.

Australia and New Zealand have not opened their border to most travelers which could affect future scores.

“It’ll be interesting to see there, if things in Europe and the U.S. have opened up more, especially in terms of international travel. But (if) things in Australia and New Zealand still have not, then we might find the ranking of Australian and New Zealand cities suffering a bit," Baptist said.