Opposition Leader Tony Abbot commented last Sunday that Julia Gillard have managed to waste $8 billion on school halls during her days as deputy prime minister and will not be any different as she takes on her new role as new Prime Minister.

Mr. Abbot said that the funds released for the Building the Education Revolution program should be scrapped immediately.

Sixteen billion dollars has been committed to this program. Given that school halls in NSW are costing three times what they should cost, I think it's a safe bet that about $8 billion has been wasted,” Mr. Abbot said.

If she was like that as deputy prime minister and acting prime minister, why should we expect any different of her as prime minister.

Mr. Abbot suggested that future funding for BEP projects should be used instead to school Parents and Citizens' Association as they produce better value.

You have got to suspend the program until you have got better ways of securing value for money and the best way to secure value for money is to give it to the school communities, to the parents, to the teachers, who know what's best for their schools, not to the education department bureaucrats who will just waste it, he said.