Airport fast lane security pass services gave notice to its members on Monday night that it would cease operations on its website.

The company said it would cease operations at 11pm PST after it was “unable to negotiate an agreement with its senior creditor to continue operations.”

The private company founded by entrepreneur Steven Brill and was approved by the federal government to screen passengers had faced criticism because, despite promises of a faster security experience, members still had to go through standard airport security screening.

The company required travelers to register for the Clear Card by submitting biographic information, have their photo taken and provide fingerprints and an iris scan.

There was no information about whether enrollees would get refunds. The service cost $199 a year. Customers were mostly business travelers and frequent fliers.

Clear was operated by Verified Identity Pass of New York City.

The service operated 18 airports and was used by more than 250,000 passengers, USA Today reported.