Anonymous hackers were able to crack an FBI to Scotland Yard conference call in mid-January, and released a recording of the call online. It wasn't a fake, as the FBI admitted to the Associated Press, and the subject of the call was Anonymous hackers themselves. FBI agents in the Los Angeles office were speaking with Scotland Yard detectives about working together to prosecute Ryan Cleary and Jake Davis, two suspected Anonymous members from the U.K. Additionally, the officers spoke about going after two other suspects, known online as Tflow and Kayla.

During the call, it was revealed the Scotland Yard investigation was being put on temporary hold so they could help out the FBI's investigation.

We have got Ryan Cleary's indecent images which have been found partly by our guys and partly by the USAF team who looked at his hard drive, the Scotland Yard officer said in the leaked recording.

So we're going to propose is that they get dealt with first as the older offenses and then that would take six to eight weeks before we roll onto the second half of it.

The FBI gave a thank you to Scotland Yard and they began talking about another suspect. They identified a 15-year-old who went by the hacker name Tehwongz who had been arrested in the U.K. for allegedly attacking his school's Web site and also that of a local credit union. The suspect had used a familiar Anonymous style attack on the school Web site, a tactic called DDoS. The suspect had allegedly made a statement they were responsible for hacking the gaming Web site Steam last year.

That piece of information raised the interest of the FBI who said they would want to see the statement because they were already investigating that attack.

He's just a pain in the bum, the ScotlandYard investigator said. He even said Scotland Yard had a copy of the suspect's hard drive and would prosecute if they had enough evidence.